Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Never say never

I want you to acknowledge the never say never spirit that you possess before you were born....

You were only conceived in the womb of a woman after you've survived the Battle of the fittest among the other millions of sperms from the man.

I rise today not because I have to, or feel like but because I choose to be responsible for my life.
I decide every day to be more of what I am.

I'm a survival, I'm gonna make it, no matter the circumstances and that's why I keep bringing out more of me.

Right now, you can make it, not only if you try but always that you should keep deciding to keep going no matter the level of the challenges that you may face.

Gratitude to this spirit of Never say never.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Bottom Truth is…

Do you know that some Nigerians make billions of Naira doing business online in recent times?
Do you know that the majority of these people are individual home based businesses?
Do you have a product or services you offer to customers and by now don’t have an online presence?
Do you have an offline brick and mortar shop or office where customers must enter before they can reach you?
Do you think that you need to build a business website before you can make money from the internet?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then you need to let me take you through how I and my online friends have made millions of naira without a single brick of website.