Monday, 21 July 2014

You're what you think you are.

So many people have not realized the infinite power of their minds, and that is why they continually misuse it by constantly wishing themselves ill luck by the kind of thoughts they entertain in their mind. Our mind is the store house of everything that has existed, existing and yet to exist or manifest.

It is what you think about most times that you become; when in your mind you are always thinking of all the things that are lacking in your life,

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #8

#8 Because being courageous is not easy for some.

I believe that we are all born courageous; because we laterally do not have an idea of what it looks like to be afraid at a very little age of one year old. Then we dare to run even though we’ve just started walking, more so we would not stop trying to run after several falling down; we would also dare to express ourselves by talking in our own verbal sounds even though that we were being laughed at each time we try.  Likewise, we do not even have a sense

Friday, 11 July 2014


“No matter the level of advantages you may or might have had in life it is only secondary to the decision you made to succeed at the beginning of your journey. When you make the choice to succeed and you are focus with persistent as well as being consistent in your actions.

Having everything you need cannot make you who you want to be if you do not first believe in yourself that you have the inner capability to
succeed. Nothing can guarantee you success except you believe in your self-worth. Young age is not

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #7

 #7 Because there is a voice that is telling you that you can't do it because you are lacking skills.

" I always hear two voices within me; one telling me I cannot do it. The voice that says "you cannot do it" is usually louder than the one that says "you can do it." In fact, most times, I can barely hear what the "you can do it" voice is saying. Sometimes I would have prepared to carry out some new marketing ideas but I would be reminded

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #6

#6 Because inhibitions are too easy to give in to.

Oh really, is it true that our feelings and beliefs tend to take total control of all our actions in spite of all the plans we have before hand?