Wednesday, 9 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #7

 #7 Because there is a voice that is telling you that you can't do it because you are lacking skills.

" I always hear two voices within me; one telling me I cannot do it. The voice that says "you cannot do it" is usually louder than the one that says "you can do it." In fact, most times, I can barely hear what the "you can do it" voice is saying. Sometimes I would have prepared to carry out some new marketing ideas but I would be reminded
by the dominant voice that only says "you do not" have the formal training in the field of marketing because I always want to be like the big multi-national companies which has somewhat led to some set back in my business, even though I still make success in quite a few ones though..." Although right now as I write I can't recall who said this statement; but I would still quote it " we have found the enemies and they are us." Indeed the enemy within is you and me.

The earlier you realize that it is the voice within you that gives power to all the voices outside, which are telling you that you are not talented enough, the better you start learning how to deal with inner voice yourself and stop the negative thinking that it's some people that does not want your progress in life or ....some sort of bad belly people that are causing you draw back. Although really difficult to accept that we ourselves are the cause of our situation and level of where we are right now, but it's so easy to blame the critics, or the environment, or the government, or the inaccessibility of funds, or even resources to build our ability to a more sophisticated one, but we cannot deny the fact that no person or conditions can make us totally incapable of doing what we want to do or be if we don't give in to the idea or belief.

No matter the level you are right now at what you are doing or want to be, or heights that you want to reach that you cannot attain, you just have to keep doing it on a daily basis. There are no short cuts to improving your abilities in becoming better by and by, if you don't put in the time and efforts in making yourself better no matter the level you're starting from.

Just keep up an open mind to opportunities of learning that will improve your knowledge in becoming better with your talents or skills.

Another secret you should know is that many of this skills are learn-able. You can learn so many by yourself these days. Take for instance, learning on the internet, there are billions of information that can improve you be the minutes. Is it the enormous free videos, books, and training programs on line that you want to explore and exploit. Your improvement depends on what your talent my be like but mastery is certain if you are to practice or work intensely and massively on your ability. 

I was never good at drawing or painting at early stages of my life, I only admire good art works. I tend to have a flare for it as early as six year old, but never developed it until about ten years back, when I have to enroll in a art class. Just within few weeks of class I started doing great realistic portrait drawing with charcoal pencils and painting on canvass. I was really elated when few of my works receive more than five thousand view on Nairaland website early this year. 

Sometimes when I look at my works, I really believe in the saying that there is nothing anyone cannot learn if he or she puts her mind to it. I would like to mention also someone who inspires me a lot in music, though I'm not yet into music but will someday learn more about it. This great music composer of the Classical era Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who would compose and practice a lot on his keyboard. 

Though seen as a genius because of his developed mentality at an unusually early age, Mozart still has to put in lots of efforts in becoming a great composer of all time. Mozart was developing his skills over the years as he goes to work at different positions as a music composer as well as meeting with a number of musicians and acquainted himself with the works of other composer as well as meeting a number of musicians and familiar himself with the works of this composers. In fact, he was greatly influenced by one of these composers that really helped him to become a great composer too. He did not listen to the inner voice that was telling him that he's not skilled enough. Instead he pulled all the resources he could find and use it to becoming one of the greatest influential composer of the Classical era.

Come to think of it our main problem is not that we are not good enough but that we are not willing to put in the required massive efforts of becoming among the best in whatever we want to become.

Most often we quickly drop an idea simply because we felt we are not educated enough, or that we do not have the required expert knowledge or skills to carry it out. Yet even before we drop the idea another voice is telling us that the idea is a unique one and should not left to die. But the former voice appears more stronger than the later voice. It easily convince us by showing us many of the reasons why we must not take actions because we do not have this or that certificate and would probably need one more qualification to start.

No matter how well you try to talk yourself to believe that you can do it, it will make you see more of the qualified people at the top who you want to compete with.

However, in as much as people or society keep telling you that you are not qualified to carry out some works with you inadequate qualification. Anyway you still have the choice to give in or not. So, ninety percent of the time you will always have that private chat with your two inner selves, trying to find out which by showing the obvious reasons around us. We mostly let go off, and just wish that maybe someday one of our sons or daughters will be qualified then to do it.

Also, sometimes we feel we are doing the right thing by listening to the voice within that's telling us not to do that which we've been inspired to carry out. Simply because we have aligned wth the common reasons for not having enough resources just as so many other people who have not break free from their limiting beliefs about what they can do. But, there are still so many creativity that has not seen the light of the day because we refuse to keep trying our best and even beyond our best by working together with brilliant minds exposed than ours.

Finally, you should always remember that no one will ever care to know how long or what it takes you to develop yourself as much as you deliver to them exceptional products or services. Don't wait for all the qualifications to get started.

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