Tuesday, 8 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #6

#6 Because inhibitions are too easy to give in to.

Oh really, is it true that our feelings and beliefs tend to take total control of all our actions in spite of all the plans we have before hand?

Of course, it does.

In fact, most of the goals we have at hand are not achieved because of the unaware consciousness that is ever ruling our actions in life. We think our feelings don’t really have a say in what we are planning to do, and we make all decisions without it. But when it comes to taking spontaneous actions on our dreams we remain inactivity or just numb.

Well! When it comes to creativity this is the number one enemy that so much constrained you and I that even if we had previously made up our minds to act, we are inadvertently prevented by this unknown force that thwarts all our plans of taking particular quick action(s).

The common unfavorably factors like insufficient money or resources, or time or any form at all that we have consciously complained about will be given over to our subconscious mind, who receives them with a welcoming hand without any analysis whether this is what we really wanted or not. But goes on to take all these discontents as a strong command to carry out what we've grudged about beforehand.

Moreover, that is why most often, we are overwhelmed in most situations that we've planned to act on our desired goals but won’t do anything about it. Many of our actions are only being afflicted by ourselves with own unhappy remarks. That is to say, if you've complained earlier that you did not have enough resources to carry out your ideas, and then you will become inactive even with the little you have that can still start or continue your project.

This unknown subconscious mind has the major power to decide what happens most times in our lives. Haven’t you noticed that you will decide “not to do” something but you ends up “doing it”? Sometimes also you may even make vows of “nothing can stop me” from not taking a particular action but when asked later, whether you did it or not; you’ll then begin to look downward at the person’s feet, meaning you didn't do it.

This power of the subconscious mind that mostly control our actions has been researched over and again for century thus far by psychologists; thus the reason why we should understand this fact of how it works and use them for our advantage.

As some would say our subconscious mind has the resources to all our problems. Because this is where creativity lies, but it is often under-utilized.

However, the few people that are making use of this powerful resource are always coming up with lots of creativity. Nevertheless, you also need have courage to show your ingenuity to the world. You need to understand that your ideas may not be perfect initially at the beginning and will receive criticism of all sorts. But this should not be your worry, instead remain with your focus in mind, thinking of how best you can improve on it day by day.

Most of our inhibitedness is because of the inhabited thoughts we have in our minds that have lived on for a very long time. When we are pessimistic, we’ll always feel bad. And our feelings as well will unknowingly generate negative words that will bring us down whenever we want to act contrary to this belief pattern.

So, if you really want to know why you have been falling behind your dreams then you have to take a quick check of all the words you make use of when you talk about your dreams or plans.

Better ask yourself now, does your words gives your sentences any negative connotations?

Take for instance, someone who is always saying that he or she cannot make it in a country where there is corrupt leadership. However, true it may appear, such a statement is highly dis-empowering and will only draw you back from taking any positive steps in achieving any desired dreams.

Instead, develop a positive mind and believe that you can be creative with what you have and bring out something that will solve people’s problems. This optimistic belief will give you good feelings about the solutions you want to offer, and you will begin to use empowering words that will lead you into taking actions on your dreams. Then you will also see more creative ideas that will emanate from your subconscious mind, helping you to be more creative in providing solution to problems.

The understanding of what you belief is very important in the knowing of how you can make use of this extremely over shadowing force of your subconscious mind. So, the better you get to know more of your beliefs by the sorting out dis-empowering and empowering words, and try to make use of only the latter then you are onto making spontaneous actions that will make your creativity come alive to the world.

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