Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Creativity is the best way to make money, not mere activity.

There are people working in companies from Monday to Friday every week yet receive meager salaries at the end of the month.

And the funniest part of it is that…

Do you know that the same employer that employs you as a daily worker would sign up contracts with creative people that are not part of the day to day working staff and even pay them millions of Naira 70% up front before they start the job just for a less than a month work? 

Or is it not true?

It’s always true.

On another scale, let’s look at your fashion designer. Whenever you want to sew a new African style, you will first use your own money to buy the clothes and then take them to your designer for sewing.

Do you pay part of the charges before she or he starts to work or you pay after the work is done? As a matter of fact, most fashion designers here in Lagos would collect their money before work commence.


But I want to ask another question.

During your interview before you started working where you are right now, did you tell the interviewer that the company should pay you before you begin working?

Things have not only changed about how much we get paid for our creativity but also when we get paid.

What you believe is what you get.

The creative are collecting big amount of money for their short term inputs.

They collect money before they sew, decorate, write, sing, strategise, coach, talk, train, and even to make you laugh at events.

I can guess you would now say that ‘it’s not easy to be a creative.

I don’t agree with you either, because you too are gifted but refused to use it either for yourself or others.

Or that you are too apprehensive about if it does work out or make you money.

The creatives too have this same fear but have found a way to conquer it by throwing themselves all into their talents or gifts, whether it makes money or not.

So a better question is are you ready to do what it takes to let the world realize how creative you are by giving your whole self to it.

Do it now or don’t do it now.

It’s up to you!

Live more.
Love more.
Serve more.


  1. Thought provoking and action driven, my opinion is many are even creative in several ways but yet to tap into it for their personal gain. If you don't build your dream someone would hire you to build theirs - Farrah Gray.

    1. Thanks Akinsola! Truly, people don't want to use their skills or talents for themselves mainly because they cannot bear being called a failure if they didn't succeed.
