Wednesday, 1 June 2016

How do you start big when you are nobody? Hear this!

Too many incredible answers are given most often on radio & Television shows, and even on the Internet.

Why don't we have the best answers?

Perhaps there are some kinds of evil powers that are preventing the correct answers from coming out, as someone else would say.

This is weird belief? or what do you think?

Possibly it's just the fact that there are no perfect solutions anywhere.

Most times when you look deeply at life itself you'll understand why it is like that.
Some times what worked for you might not work for me and vice versa.
An idea that has worked for a thousand people might not work exactly for you.
So I usually wonder why people who want to be unique would start up by getting a role model to imitate.

You think you can follow another person's foot steps and arrive at your own destination.

Don't you think this is crazy?

Well to me, it's not making sense because we are all unique with different stories to tell the world.
But if at all we are to learn from any model we need to get the principle out of the story. Because most of these stories are full of scraps, no real substance to learn.

Even majority of their interviews are merely entertaining the audience listening or watching.
However, let me tell you about the secret beneath the story of most successful people.
This secret is so obvious yet people don’t believe it could be that simple.

Of course it is indeed simple.


Most say it's hard to put it to practice
I guess that’s why majority would always brush aside the idea of hard work.
However, not everyone is so fortunate to have a closer experience with the struggles and hustles of those who become successful.

I was privileged to grow up with someone who was just as ordinary like me and you, but with everyday work on the so called music talent he became a star too like the masters before him.

You may be thinking everything must happen with a special gift.

Of course it is special if you see it as that and you take it serious and make use of it.

This cousin of mine who became a star was a real eye opener that you may not need to have a super talent to start with, or much money, or degree, to become who you want to be.

In fact, it’s a daily decision to follow your dreams.

He didn’t demand for what he wanted to get by sitting down and expecting it to come. Instead, he worked every day on his himself and band members. They would practise every day on a constructed stage at the back of the house playing as if in front of huge audience. Then few people were allowed to see their practise because of possible distractions.

This life changing experience has taught me how hard work could turn an ordinary talent to a special talent over time.

But many people would refuse to learn from the principle of make it happen every day so that you can be the best of whatever you do.

However, to follow the uncommon path of hard work on your talents it has its own challenges.
There would be times when you would want to stop doing your passion. You may ask question if this could really be you life’s true path.

But not to worry, because that’s what almost everyone who has succeeds asks before they reach the lime light.

Keep doing whatever your dream is, and keep it alive because you don’t know when it may raise.

These days the technology has opened numerous opportunities for you to become and share with the world your ordinary talents.

Now you don’t need a license to set up an Internet TV or radio show.

Just like on you can create a free channel, and also create free websites to host whatever you are doing.

There’s no time to delay on working on your talents.

Just be yourself and show the world what you've got.

Do it now or not, it’s up to you.

Live more.
Love more.
Serve more.

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