Friday, 6 June 2014

Knowing that you can always do better than your present best!

Your passion is your life mission and I know you want to live out your passion in this world. If only you identify your passion now, then you have found your purpose in life. And if you want to share it with the world in a
bigger way, and to impact more lives, then it will reward you with joy, fulfillment, and money.

Take time out today to look deep inside of yourself, and find out what could that talent of yours be like. Your talent does not have to be necessary different or the kind that is out this world. It could just be playing the piano, or singing in your own way. But the more you go on to use this talent of yours the more you find out it is unique or different from the other person whom you may share the same talent. The way you express it may be different, and you probably always finish doing something and you never felt satisfied even though people are already applauding you. Afterwards you feel you can still do more than this, even though that’s the best you could do for now and yet you still want to do better than your present best.

And this is what I call “passion for unending excellence.” However, this is a pursuit that is beyond perfectionism. It is a spirit of knowing that you can always do better than your present best and that this is what keeps you going in search for more knowledge and to do more practices.

 I guess you might have won a medal recently, or probably have been to places to perform, or perhaps you just discovered a new invention, but have you really asked yourself what is next? This is the uncommon question that every great man or woman that ever lived always asks themselves. When you ask yourself this particular question at the peak of your every achievement then you will always find a way to remain relevant for a very long time.

Every time you find yourself comfortable in life with your present position know that it’s time to rise again. Perhaps, the manufacturers of manual or electric typewriter could give us a nice testimony for this case when computers over took their market share from them. Moreover, in a real life story of a friend of ours, he used to import typewriters into the country, and has been doing very well in the business. But when he was told that there will be a market crash on typewriters because of the demand of computer, he still went ahead to make order as usual for a forty feet container of these typewriters. By the time he finished clearing it at the port, no costumer wants to buy from him because of the advent of computers that are now everywhere. It was really a great lose for him then.

The more you realize that it is not over until it’s over, the more you will want to only thrive on excellence. You need to walk with it, run with it, even fly with it, that is to say, letting it be your core value in life. Helping people is my mission in life, making them happy because they too can create something out of their passion or talent that will impact so many people, and also generate income for them if not for life at least for a very long time. So as I share this way of leveraging what you've got inside of you, in a bigger way with the world, I implore to focus on your talent, be consistent, be persistent, be determined with it, and I believe that you will leave the best legacy ever left to the generations to come.

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