Saturday, 30 August 2014


Gostartit Academy is a platform that is born out of my growing experience in life and my passion to help people develop their passion in other to live life more fully.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

How to stop procrastination

For nothing can stop us from the outside if it has no origin from the inside of us.

Many a times we plan casually to effect some changes in our lives, yet we let go as if it is of no real importance any more. We might have casually plan to take some few minutes’ walk in our neighborhood

Friday, 8 August 2014

why you need to discover yourself

One of the greatest discovery of humanity is to know that our thoughts control our world. It is the interpretation of my emotions, using my thoughts that give me a heart felt inclinations of what I attracts to my life. Our emotions, thoughts, and feelings is the key to the realization of every good that we want in our lives.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

How to achieve your dreams

The kind of dream that I am talking about is not that dream you have at night but the one you have consciously with your eyes opened. The more you believe in your dreams the sooner it will manifest before you very eyes.

Monday, 21 July 2014

You're what you think you are.

So many people have not realized the infinite power of their minds, and that is why they continually misuse it by constantly wishing themselves ill luck by the kind of thoughts they entertain in their mind. Our mind is the store house of everything that has existed, existing and yet to exist or manifest.

It is what you think about most times that you become; when in your mind you are always thinking of all the things that are lacking in your life,

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #8

#8 Because being courageous is not easy for some.

I believe that we are all born courageous; because we laterally do not have an idea of what it looks like to be afraid at a very little age of one year old. Then we dare to run even though we’ve just started walking, more so we would not stop trying to run after several falling down; we would also dare to express ourselves by talking in our own verbal sounds even though that we were being laughed at each time we try.  Likewise, we do not even have a sense

Friday, 11 July 2014


“No matter the level of advantages you may or might have had in life it is only secondary to the decision you made to succeed at the beginning of your journey. When you make the choice to succeed and you are focus with persistent as well as being consistent in your actions.

Having everything you need cannot make you who you want to be if you do not first believe in yourself that you have the inner capability to
succeed. Nothing can guarantee you success except you believe in your self-worth. Young age is not

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #7

 #7 Because there is a voice that is telling you that you can't do it because you are lacking skills.

" I always hear two voices within me; one telling me I cannot do it. The voice that says "you cannot do it" is usually louder than the one that says "you can do it." In fact, most times, I can barely hear what the "you can do it" voice is saying. Sometimes I would have prepared to carry out some new marketing ideas but I would be reminded

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #6

#6 Because inhibitions are too easy to give in to.

Oh really, is it true that our feelings and beliefs tend to take total control of all our actions in spite of all the plans we have before hand?

Saturday, 28 June 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #5

# 5 Because we tend to think that our ideas have been done better and multiple times before.
There is a popular saying that goes like this “there is nothing new under the sun.” Is there anything new that you want to say or do, that has not been said before or someone else has not done before you. So, dashing as it may seem, yet there is still room for a lot of improvement.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Dis na mathematics for pegin language so o

Mathematics in PEGIN language makes learning fun!
I have been translating some of my mathematics videos in English to PEGIN language for the past weeks.
In fact, still working on it, but I just happen to hear on the TV yesterday when some football commentators are using PEGIN language to run a commentaries for the world cup matches.
I was like, "oh boy e" that is oh really, this is what I've been working on for some time, also wishing some Nigerians too will do the same in their various field. 

Pegin was my success foundation key to knowing Maths
You won't believe that even the mathematics that I learnt in those days was thought with a mixture of my own native language (Yoruba), Pegin and English and that was the major key factor in helping me to understand mathematics then in Secondary school days. 

Monday, 23 June 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #4

# 4 Because you never know what you will come up with. Uncertainty is scary.

I believe that one of the major reasons why the unknown is usually scary for most people is because they've been so used to certainty that they cannot imagine themselves risking it for any pain of discomfort. The fact that the security of the normal life is so comfortable has made it more pleasurable sticking to it has if that’s the best decision someone can make in life.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

How to Make a Meaningful and Progressive Life

There are numerous and diverse ways of making a meaningful amount of progress in life. In fact, almost every successful person has a method or way of approaching different circumstances they encounter in life that has brought them remarkable success in life.

Friday, 13 June 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #3

#3 Because creating something is different than thinking about something. It requires action.

A dream without any action plan is of no use at all because without this no human being can achieve anything worthwhile, so there must be a system of operating. Just like it is often said by the great thinkers and doers of all time that; our feelings become our thoughts, and our thoughts become our words, thence our words become our actions. Consequently, we can see that the great aim of thinking is not mere analysis of a solution but taking action.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Your creativity matters to the world

You need to summon courage at all times because that it is what your creativity will need to continue adding to or modifying your creative ideas.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #2

#2 Because bad criticism sucks

No matter how little a bad criticism may appear it really sucks. Not only does it drain off ones energy, it could also make someone feel discouraged. It could kill ones creativity fast. A criticism that does not offer solution even if it is done in a gentle manner is no better off than a bad criticism that is done in a harsh manner. But no matter what type of manner a criticism

Friday, 6 June 2014

10 Reasons why Creativity takes Courage #1

#1. Because you expose yourself.

When you tell people what’s really in your mind most think you might be going crazy. Weird as it may seem, you need courage to keep keeping on.
As for each time you talk about it, you want to do something about it. And for each time you want to do something about it, you expose your ideas even at that unrefined state. However, your ideas need to be given birth to, and it should be creatively delivered to the world. If it is an unfamiliar one, the one that is really unconventional you stand the chance of either rejection or acceptance just like if it is a common idea. At this point of coming out in physical, your creativity is being tested in the minds of the people and not yours this time around. They look at it from their own point of view, or rather how it is making them feel whenever they encounter it.

Knowing that you can always do better than your present best!

Your passion is your life mission and I know you want to live out your passion in this world. If only you identify your passion now, then you have found your purpose in life. And if you want to share it with the world in a

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Have you ever heard ???

Gostartit Academy is a platform that is born out of my growing experience in life and my passion to help people develop their passion in other to live life more fully. In my little journey of life I have discovered that what matters is living your life to the full is